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Present meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

موفودہ وقت ۔ زمانہ حال ۔ ملاقات کرانا ۔ پیش کرنا ۔ گزارنا ۔ حاضر کرنا ۔ موجود کرنا ۔ نالش کرنا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Present (a.) Hence: To endow; to bestow a gift upon; to favor, as with a donation; also, to court by gifts.
(2) - Present (a.) Now existing, or in process; begun but not ended; now in view, or under consideration; being at this time; not past or future; as, the present session of Congress; the present state of affairs; the present instance.
(3) - Present (a.) Not delayed; immediate; instant; coincident.
(4) - Present (a.) Ready; quick in emergency; as a present wit.
(5) - Present (a.) Favorably attentive; propitious.
(6) - Present (a.) Present time; the time being; time in progress now, or at the moment contemplated; as, at this present.
(7) - Present (a.) Present letters or instrument, as a deed of conveyance, a lease, letter of attorney, or other writing; as in the phrase, " Know all men by these presents," that is, by the writing itself, " per has literas praesentes; " -- in this sense, rarely used in the singular.
(8) - Present (a.) A present tense, or the form of the verb denoting the present tense.
(9) - Present (a.) To bring or introduce into the presence of some one, especially of a superior; to introduce formally; to offer for acquaintance; as, to present an envoy to the king; (with the reciprocal pronoun) to come into the presence of a superior.
(10) - Present (a.) To exhibit or offer to view or notice; to lay before one's perception or cognizance; to set forth; to present a fine appearance.
(11) - Present (a.) Being at hand, within reach or call, within certain contemplated limits; -- opposed to absent.
(12) - Present (a.) To make a gift of; to bestow; to give, generally in a formal or ceremonious manner; to grant; to confer.
(13) - Present (n.) The position of a soldier in presenting arms; as, to stand at present.
(14) - Present (a.) To present; to personate.
(15) - Present (a.) To nominate to an ecclesiastical benefice; to offer to the bishop or ordinary as a candidate for institution.
(16) - Present (a.) To nominate for support at a public school or other institution .
(17) - Present (a.) To lay before a public body, or an official, for consideration, as before a legislature, a court of judicature, a corporation, etc.; as, to present a memorial, petition, remonstrance, or indictment.
(18) - Present (a.) To lay before a court as an object of inquiry; to give notice officially of, as a crime of offence; to find or represent judicially; as, a grand jury present certain offenses or nuisances, or whatever they think to be public injuries.
(19) - Present (a.) To bring an indictment against .
(20) - Present (a.) To aim, point, or direct, as a weapon; as, to present a pistol or the point of a sword to the breast of another.
(21) - Present (v. i.) To appear at the mouth of the uterus so as to be perceptible to the finger in vaginal examination; -- said of a part of an infant during labor.
(22) - Present (n.) Anything presented or given; a gift; a donative; as, a Christmas present.
(23) - Present (a.) To pass over, esp. in a ceremonious manner; to give in charge or possession; to deliver; to make over.

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