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Presentation meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

بخشش ۔ نذر ۔ پیشکش ۔ تمثیل نمائی ۔ احضار ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Presentation (n.) The particular position of the child during labor relatively to the passage though which it is to be brought forth; -- specifically designated by the part which first appears at the mouth of the uterus; as, a breech presentation.
(2) - Presentation (n.) The act of offering a clergyman to the bishop or ordinary for institution in a benefice; the right of presenting a clergyman.
(3) - Presentation (n.) That which is presented or given; a present; a gift, as, the picture was a presentation.
(4) - Presentation (n.) exhibition; representation; display; appearance; semblance; show.
(5) - Presentation (n.) The act of presenting, or the state of being presented; a setting forth; an offering; bestowal.

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