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Saving meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

لاحقہ بمعنی بچانیوالا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Saving (n.) Exception; reservation.
(2) - Saving (n.) Something kept from being expended or lost; that which is saved or laid up; as, the savings of years of economy.
(3) - Saving (participle) With the exception of; except; excepting; also, without disrespect to.
(4) - Saving (a.) Making reservation or exception; as, a saving clause.
(5) - Saving (a.) Bringing back in returns or in receipts the sum expended; incurring no loss, though not gainful; as, a saving bargain; the ship has made a saving voyage.
(6) - Saving (a.) Avoiding unnecessary expense or waste; frugal; not lavish or wasteful; economical; as, a saving cook.
(7) - Saving (a.) Preserving; rescuing.
(8) - Saving (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Save

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