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Sphinx meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

شہر تھیبس کی ایک دیوی جس کا سر عورت کا اور بدن شیر کا تھا ۔ ایسا شخص جس کی حقیقت سمجھ میں نہ آئے ۔ ایک پر دار کیڑا ۔ لنگور کی ایک قسم ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Sphinx (n.) The Guinea, or sphinx, baboon (Cynocephalus sphinx).
(2) - Sphinx (n.) Any one of numerous species of large moths of the family Sphingidae; -- called also hawk moth.
(3) - Sphinx (n.) Hence: A person of enigmatical character and purposes, especially in politics and diplomacy.
(4) - Sphinx (n.) On Greek art and mythology, a she-monster, usually represented as having the winged body of a lion, and the face and breast of a young woman.
(5) - Sphinx (n.) In Egyptian art, an image of granite or porphyry, having a human head, or the head of a ram or of a hawk, upon the wingless body of a lion.

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