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Scraper meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

مہندی سارنگیا ۔ زر پرست ۔ بخیل اناڑی ۔ کھرچنے والا آلہ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Scraper (n.) One who acquires avariciously and saves penuriously.
(2) - Scraper (n.) One who plays awkwardly on a violin.
(3) - Scraper (n.) One who scrapes.
(4) - Scraper (n.) In the printing press, a board, or blade, the edge of which is made to rub over the tympan sheet and thus produce the impression.
(5) - Scraper (n.) An instrument having two or three sharp sides or edges, for cleaning the planks, masts, or decks of a ship.
(6) - Scraper (n.) An instrument drawn by oxen or horses, used for scraping up earth in making or repairing roads, digging cellars, canals etc.
(7) - Scraper (n.) An instrument by which the soles of shoes are cleaned from mud and the like, by drawing them across it.
(8) - Scraper (n.) An instrument with which anything is scraped.

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