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Surprise meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

یکا یک آلینا ۔ حیرانی ۔ باعث حیرت ہونا ۔ گھبراہٹ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Surprise (n.) To hold possession of; to hold.
(2) - Surprise (n.) To lead (one) to do suddenly and without forethought; to bring (one) into some unexpected state; -- with into; as, to be surprised into an indiscretion; to be surprised into generosity.
(3) - Surprise (n.) To strike with wonder, astonishment, or confusion, by something sudden, unexpected, or remarkable; to confound; as, his conduct surprised me.
(4) - Surprise (n.) To come or fall suddenly and unexpectedly; to take unawares; to seize or capture by unexpected attack.
(5) - Surprise (n.) A dish covered with a crust of raised paste, but with no other contents.
(6) - Surprise (n.) Anything that causes such a state or emotion.
(7) - Surprise (n.) The state of being surprised, or taken unawares, by some act or event which could not reasonably be foreseen; emotion excited by what is sudden and strange; a suddenly excited feeling of wonder or astonishment.
(8) - Surprise (n.) The act of coming upon, or taking, unawares; the act of seizing unexpectedly; surprisal; as, the fort was taken by surprise.

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