Sleeve meaning in Urdu & English |
آستیں ۔ نلکی کو اوپر کی نلکی ۔
English to English Dictionary
(1) - Sleeve (v. t.) To furnish with sleeves; to put sleeves into; as, to sleeve a coat. (2) - Sleeve (n.) A short piece of pipe used for covering a joint, or forming a joint between the ends of two other pipes. (3) - Sleeve (n.) A long bushing or thimble, as in the nave of a wheel. (4) - Sleeve (n.) A tubular part made to cover, sustain, or steady another part, or to form a connection between two parts. (5) - Sleeve (n.) A narrow channel of water. (6) - Sleeve (n.) The part of a garment which covers the arm; as, the sleeve of a coat or a gown. (7) - Sleeve (n.) See Sleave, untwisted thread.