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Slop meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

غلیظ پانی ۔ موری پانی ۔ شوربا ۔ گڑھا ۔ گرنا ۔ گرانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Slop (v. i.) Ready-made clothes; also, among seamen, clothing, bedding, and other furnishings.
(2) - Slop (v. i.) A loose lower garment; loose breeches; chiefly used in the plural.
(3) - Slop (v. i.) Any kind of outer garment made of linen or cotton, as a night dress, or a smock frock.
(4) - Slop (v. i.) To overflow or be spilled as a liquid, by the motion of the vessel containing it; -- often with over.
(5) - Slop (v. t.) To spill liquid upon; to soil with a liquid spilled.
(6) - Slop (v. t.) To cause to overflow, as a liquid, by the motion of the vessel containing it; to spill.
(7) - Slop (n.) Dirty water; water in which anything has been washed or rinsed; water from wash-bowls, etc.
(8) - Slop (n.) Mean and weak drink or liquid food; -- usually in the plural.
(9) - Slop (n.) Water or other liquid carelessly spilled or thrown aboyt, as upon a table or a floor; a puddle; a soiled spot.

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