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Stencil meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

مومی کاغذ جس پر لوییکے قلم سے لکھ کر چھپاتی کی مشین پر چھاپتے ہیں ۔ مومی کاغذ پر لکلھنا ۔ بیل بوٹے بنانا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Stencil (v. t.) To mark, paint, or color in figures with stencils; to form or print by means of a stencil.
(2) - Stencil (n.) A thin plate of metal, leather, or other material, used in painting, marking, etc. The pattern is cut out of the plate, which is then laid flat on the surface to be marked, and the color brushed over it. Called also stencil plate.

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