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Stomach meaning in Urdu & English

English-Urdu Dictionary

معدہ ۔ پوٹا ۔ پیٹ ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Stomach (v. i.) To be angry.
(2) - Stomach (v. t.) To bear without repugnance; to brook.
(3) - Stomach (v. t.) To resent; to remember with anger; to dislike.
(4) - Stomach (n.) Pride; haughtiness; arrogance.
(5) - Stomach (n.) Violence of temper; anger; sullenness; resentment; willful obstinacy; stubbornness.
(6) - Stomach (n.) Hence appetite in general; inclination; desire.
(7) - Stomach (n.) The desire for food caused by hunger; appetite; as, a good stomach for roast beef.
(8) - Stomach (n.) An enlargement, or series of enlargements, in the anterior part of the alimentary canal, in which food is digested; any cavity in which digestion takes place in an animal; a digestive cavity. See Digestion, and Gastric juice, under Gastric.

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