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Antecedent meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

پہلے واقع ہونے والا ۔ قبل آنے والا ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Antecedent (n.) The first of the two terms of a ratio; the first or third of the four terms of a proportion. In the ratio a:b, a is the antecedent, and b the consequent.
(2) - Antecedent (n.) The first of the two propositions which constitute an enthymeme or contracted syllogism; as, Every man is mortal; therefore the king must die.
(3) - Antecedent (n.) The first or conditional part of a hypothetical proposition; as, If the earth is fixed, the sun must move.
(4) - Antecedent (n.) The noun to which a relative refers; as, in the sentence "Solomon was the prince who built the temple," prince is the antecedent of who.
(5) - Antecedent (n.) The earlier events of one's life; previous principles, conduct, course, history.
(6) - Antecedent (n.) One who precedes or goes in front.
(7) - Antecedent (n.) That which goes before in time; that which precedes.
(8) - Antecedent (a.) Presumptive; as, an antecedent improbability.
(9) - Antecedent (a.) Going before in time; prior; anterior; preceding; as, an event antecedent to the Deluge; an antecedent cause.

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