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Cherry meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

سرخی ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Cherry (a.) Like a red cherry in color; ruddy; blooming; as, a cherry lip; cherry cheeks.
(2) - Cherry (n.) A peculiar shade of red, like that of a cherry.
(3) - Cherry (n.) The timber of the cherry tree, esp. of the black cherry, used in cabinetmaking, etc.
(4) - Cherry (n.) The fruit of the cherry tree, a drupe of various colors and flavors.
(5) - Cherry (n.) The wild cherry; as, Prunus serotina (wild black cherry), valued for its timber; P. Virginiana (choke cherry), an American shrub which bears astringent fruit; P. avium and P. Padus, European trees (bird cherry).
(6) - Cherry (n.) The common garden cherry (Prunus Cerasus), of which several hundred varieties are cultivated for the fruit, some of which are, the begarreau, blackheart, black Tartarian, oxheart, morelle or morello, May-duke (corrupted from Medoc in France).
(7) - Cherry (n.) A tree or shrub of the genus Prunus (Which also includes the plum) bearing a fleshy drupe with a bony stone;

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