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Curia meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

برادری ۔ عشیرہ ۔ پوپ کی عدالت ۔ برادری ۔ عَشیرَہ ۔ قَدیم رُوما کی مَجلَسِ اعیان ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Curia (n.) The Roman See in its temporal aspects, including all the machinery of administration; -- called also curia Romana.
(2) - Curia (n.) Any court of justice.
(3) - Curia (n.) The court of a sovereign or of a feudal lord; also; his residence or his household.
(4) - Curia (n.) The place where the meetings of the senate were held; the senate house.
(5) - Curia (n.) The place of assembly of one of these divisions.
(6) - Curia (n.) One of the thirty parts into which the Roman people were divided by Romulus.

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