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Curry meaning in Urdu & English

English to Urdu Dictionary

مالش کرنا ۔ ملنا ۔ سالن ۔ شوربہ دار سالن ۔

English to English Dictionary

(1) - Curry (v. t.) To flavor or cook with curry.
(2) - Curry (n.) A stew of fowl, fish, or game, cooked with curry.
(3) - Curry (n.) A kind of sauce much used in India, containing garlic, pepper, ginger, and other strong spices.
(4) - Curry (v. t.) To beat or bruise; to drub; -- said of persons.
(5) - Curry (v. t.) To dress the hair or coat of (a horse, ox, or the like) with a currycomb and brush; to comb, as a horse, in order to make clean.
(6) - Curry (v. t.) To dress or prepare for use by a process of scraping, cleansing, beating, smoothing, and coloring; -- said of leather.

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